Thursday, May 29, 2008

Day 1: Put on your Dancing Shoes...Here we Go!

Today has been a super busy day. I learned how to dance traditional Greek and Bulgarian dances, the whole history of Bulgaria (yes, it was a long lecture...but informative!), and TRIED to learn the Cyrillic Alphabet (I'm not very good at it). Govyrete anglhski means Do you speak English? That one I have will be VERY useful!
Val -- You had asked a question about Gypsies and I have an answer for you already. There are gypsies in Bulgaria, but the word "gypsy" is inappropriate. (It's like calling someone the n-word). The proper name for these people are "Roma" which means "humans". They originated in India but most of the Roma in Bulgaria have been settled and are not transient.
Go through the pictures to see what I was up to today!
Ms. G


Anonymous said...

I see that you enjoyed the food very much over there. What was your favorite dish?? =]
-Fifa (Stephanie)

Anonymous said...

Wassup my gypsy lol. I'm glad to see you're comparing greece with our own culture. The food looks amazing i love shish kababs.


Janna said...

Jerrod -- Shish kabobs are awesome! What I've learned so far is that the food is SO good that you don't need any condiments on it, like in the U.S. when we always need ketchup and bbq sauce.

Stephanie -- My favorite food so far has been Bulgarian chicken with yogurt sauce. YUMMM!!! :)

Glad you're both reading the blog!

Anonymous said...

Ms. G: I'm so glad you're keeping a blog as Greece is one of those special places I hope to visit someday myself! I just arrived in Buenos Aires yesterday--the start of a 3-month stay. So far,so good. I don't think my landlord or the doorman realize I speak English--although I don't know where they think I'm from with my accent. Have a fantastic trip! Demetria

Janna said...

Demetria -- Wow! You're Spanish must be excellent by now :) Well, after this trip I will definitely be able to give you advice for traveling to Greece when you end up going!