Saturday, July 5, 2008

Day 38: Shopping, Cafe-ing, and Lunching

I had a lovely day today: it was our free day and Amy and I relaxed and made the most of it! We started out walking around Nevski's Cathedral because there are usually tons of tables set up with antiques, Nazi paraphernalia, textiles, and icons. The picture to the left is of the shops. It's a great place to find lots of souvenirs (which I did! For myself and others).

Unfortunately the shops weren't set up by 10 o'clock in the morning. Instead there were tons of people flocking to the Cathedral. There was a huge line of people, mostly women, carrying flowers. Besides the people lined up to go into the church, there were fire trucks, police officers, and military all around the area. It's weird being in a foreign country, not understanding the language and having NO idea what's going on. It sounded like a Communist take-over because of the man on the speaker-phone. Amy and I ended up going to the Folk Museum shop and after buying some gifts found out from the clerk that Bulgaria has three magical icons and all three had come to Nevski's Cathedral today. It is believed that by touching all three, the person will have good luck. 

Now that Amy and I were in the know, we went to a cafe for some pop. The picture to the left is of Amy, Bob (AKA "Prez") and me.

We spent a good two hours just European of us! Then we went to lunch and back out shopping. The tables were set up and I bought an icon and some Russian/Bulgarian Nesting Dolls...both of which I had been wanting to get.

Tomorrow we're off to the mountain and then it's to the airport for the 14 hour flight back to Chicago! Hope you're all well :)

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