Sunday, July 6, 2008

Day 39: Mountain Climbing and Dressing Up

It was off to Vitshova Mountain again today...but this time with the whole Fulbright group. We ended up climbing up together on an "off-the-beaten-path" kind of trail. It was so much fun because we were really having to hop over the rocks! Dad, you would have loved it because of all the nature smells and the beautiful scenery. Today was definitely a day you would have enjoyed! By the way, the picture to the left is Bob climbing down the mountain.

Anyway, we climbed up for a ways and then on the way we took a different path, which we learned pretty quickly wasn't really a path at was more of man-made trail...and by man-made, I mean the leader in our group was making it! It was tough climbing and definitely took more time climbing down than climbing up the mountain! I ended up sliding a bit on some of the long grass. You can see from the picture how green everything is here on the mountain!

After climbing we sat at a cafe for an hour or so before lunch. Finally we had our Farewell Dinner which was at a really nice restaurant here downtown. I had heard from Ms. Lina that it was good, so I wasn't surprised when the food was fantastic. Besides having great food and wine, I had great company. I got to say good-bye to all the Fulbright staff along with my Fellow Fulbright-ers, whom I have now spent 39 days with.

This picture below is of Amy and me in the lobby of our hotel, waiting to get on the bus for dinner.
This picture seems to capture the excitement at our table. I can't take credit for the picture though.

Here is a picture of Mark, Amy, and I after our great dinner!

And finally, here is our group picture. We are standing behind the window which overlooks Vitshova Mountain (where we went climbing today).

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