Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Day 7: Athen's Akropolis and the Islands

Pictures: A picture of the Parthenon where the ancient Greeks worshipped Athena. And then a picture of the island Aegina. The Mediterranean Sea is gorgeous aqua water!!! I loved it :)

First off, Tevin -- I TOTALLY haven't forgotten about you and the Greek girls. I have had trouble though getting photographs of teenage girls here...I don't run into them much and me whipping out my camera to take a picture of them seems slightly slimy of me :) I will get a picture for you at some point in my two and a half weeks in Greece though!

Today we went to the Athens Akropolis which is from 4 BC. It means "City on a Hill". Part of the Akropolis is the Parthenon, which is the ancient temple where the Greeks worshipped Athena. Next to it is a temple where supposedly Athena and Poseidon had their huge battle! There is even a hole in the ceiling where Poseidon's trident came through. The Olive Tree next to it is the gift Athena gave the Athenian people.

After the Akropolis we went to the Agora which is the ancient marketplace. And from there we took the Metra and Ferry to a close Greek Island called Aegina. Aegina is the ancient capital of Greece...I mostly just laid on the beach though, to get that suntan that Jerrod says I need :)

Ashley, Jenise, and Latrice -- Living in Greece is awesome. The people are relaxed and take a long time for all their meals. Everyone is super-friendly.

Nick, Letisia, and Claudia -- The people don't still believe in mythology; they're mostly Catholic. (So they're monotheistic). Although, Claudia, the story above with Poseidon and Athena seems like there is evidence that the gods were real :)

Quristin -- Greeks should definitely be known for more than just mythology. They should be known for their relaxed demeanor, friendly attitude, and food! (I love the food here!!! I have already made a resolution that I will come back to Chicago with a cookbook and spend my summer cooking!)

Jelisa, Donnie, and Rafal -- Okay, I have to say I haven't heard a ton about the soccer stuff, but everyone is watching it here. When in Aegina yesterday my friends and I were sitting at a cafe eating ice cream and the game was on. All the Greek men were loving it! Soccer and basketball (surprisingly) seem to be the most-watched sport. So, Rafal, tell me more about the Soccer stuff that is going on so I can sound intelligent over here :)

Tranny -- The ancient Greeks did have slaves. Whenever they conquered a group of people, they would make them slaves. So it's not like in the U.S. where Americans went over to capture Africans and bring them back to be slaves, instead they went to war with another nation and if they won they put them into slavery. This happened to a lot of the middle eastern an eastern european peoples. I don't know much about it though, so I'll try to get more information when I can!

I hope you're all doing lovely! I hear that classes are going well. I would love updates though!

Miss you!
Ms. G

P.S. I added a link to "MYRA'S BLOG" which is a good friend of mine's blog here on the trip. She has been writing as well and since we're writing about different things, you may want to look hers up. She sometimes has some great pictures that I don't have...and some of the pictures I am in :)

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